1. Ann Coulter: A conservative pundit who has been critical of Trump, stating that “Trump ‘is done'” and criticizing his policies. Visit Website
  2. S.E. Cupp: Known for her commentary on political issues, Cupp has been vocal about Trump’s self-centered behavior and lack of concern for others. Visit Website
  3. Jenna Ellis: A former Trump lawyer who has turned against the ex-president, referring to him as a “malignant narcissist”. 
  4. Carly Fiorina: Former Republican presidential candidate who has expressed her views against Trump’s leadership. Visit Website
  5. David Frum: A conservative commentator and author who has warned about the dangers ahead under Trump’s leadership. Visit Website
  6. Robert Kagan: A prominent conservative thinker who has criticized Trump, stating that a “Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable”.
  7. Tomi Lahren: Conservative commentator who has discussed the likelihood of Ron DeSantis achieving what Trump couldn’t in the past. Visit Website
  8. The Lincoln Project: A political action committee formed by Republicans against Trump, known for its anti-Trump campaigns and messaging. Visit Website
  9. Meghan McCain: Known for her outspoken views, McCain has been critical of Trump, calling for an end to his political influence.
  10. George F. Will: A conservative columnist and commentator who denounced his Republican Party membership due to Trump’s candidacy, advocating for a change within the GOP. Visit Website